Tuesday, September 28, 2010

image of God (2)

In Hindu and Buddhist religions, the word "Mandala" means circle. It is the same idea as a labyrinth. Mandalas are viewed as sacred art, and used as a religious teaching tool. Its symbolic nature allows for deep meditation. When looking at a Mandala, the goal is to reach a sort of "Oneness" with nature and the things around you.
This image caught my eye immediately. The colors, patterns, and shapes were interesting and very attractive to me. I have always thought the metaphor of life being a journey was an accurate comparison. The Mandala (or labyrinth) reminds me of the important journey of growth and wholeness that I am on. This colors and shapes in this piece are very confusing to me and when viewing this piece of art, I was reminded that I will never fully understand the God that I serve.

"We cannot comprehend what comprehends us."
-Wendell Berry

Although this piece of art is one of Hindu and Buddhist religion, many Christian truths were shown to me through it.

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